A flow chart is a graphical or illustrative description of a method. Every step of the method is described by various symbol and carries a short explanation of the process step. The flow chart representations are linked collectively with arrows showing the process flow direction.
The cool thing about flow charts is that they let you see the process flow at a look, so my first choice definition of “Flow Chart” is a snap shot of your Business Processes. This is usually called an As-Is Flowchart. You can tell a lot about the complexity of various business processes just by watching at an as-is flowchart of them without even reading the text in the representatives. You can easily see the flow of knowledge and stuff, branches in the process, possibilities for endless circles, the number of method steps, inter-departmental processes, and more.
1. Process of Mechanized Workflow Templates

Easy mechanical workflow chart with rich looks workflow examples. Include method workflow, order workflow, sales workflow and services Workflow. It’s easy to draw workflow diagrams with the simple drag-and-drop functionality. Use the improved workflow diagram template flows, workflows, business process automation, business process re-engineering, and accounting, management, and human resources tasks.
An example of workflow chart, showing the web service workflow.
2. Flowchart of Software Development

This flowchart explains the software development cycle. You primarily produce the system, code it and test it. When an error is detected, it must be decided whether the error is a design error or not. Coding errors can immediately be fixed, but design errors may take longer.
3. Medicare Enhancement Flowchart

Whilst basic care has long been considered as the backbone of the healthcare system, progressive governments also view it as a difficulty too many people use common practice, increasing healthcare costs and so endangering the sustainability of the Medicare system. This view assumes that running healthcare is a business problem; hence it can be solved by economic strategies like introducing price signals. While this answer may appear simple to economically driven managers and policy authors it fails to resonate with patients and the medical profession; certainly, concerted public and professional opposition has stopped this policy approach for now. Here is the flow chart for ecology of medicare.
4. How to Order Flowchart

Flowcharts are used in creating and recording multiple methods or programs. An easily customizable order flowchart template is granted to download and print. Immediately get a head-start when creating your own order flowchart. With much clear clipart included in the chart, you will get the more visually appealing result.
5. Products Buying Cycle

t’s explained by something called the customer buying cycle. To understand the buying cycle to its whole, you must also understand your customers.
There are hundreds of reports of the cycle. The particular cycle depends in great part on the specific product that you are selling.
The broad truths to keep in mind regarding the buying cycle are as follows:
Every client goes through some process of reflection, awareness, and transformation. The customer can only be in one spot of the cycle at a time, for anyone need. The success level that you achieve when marketing to that customer depends on where he or she is in the buying cycle. And that’s where we come back to the harsh truth.
You need a marketing plan that is actively spotting the vast percentage of your website visitors. I’m not talking about individual conversion methods here. I’m speaking about broad content tactics that move any visitor closer to a turn to the next best phase in the buying cycle.
6. Marketing Flowchart

Marketing flowchart is fast and easy to use. Start with a professionally designed template. Templates for a wide class of marketing charts and diagrams are added brand essence wheels, marketing mix, pyramid charts, cycle diagrams, and much more. Simply add text, pictures, and symbols. Then choose from a variety of techniques and themes to give your marketing diagram a custom, professionally produced look.
Once you’re happy with the decisions, you can easily save and share your completed marketing diagram with others by either sending them a link or by saving them to third-party services.